The site is cleared of the old buildings and the extensive cement work on the property. The demolition contractor discovered additional cement pillars and platforms that were buried under the soil during the demolition process. The contractor advised this is a normal occurrence in a project such as ours. The Village, through MSA, our engineering advisors advertised for bids to do the street and utility work on the site. A total of four bids were received and opened on August 30, 2018, the low bidder was Jakes Excavating and Landscaping LLC from Ironwood, MI in the amount of $382,937.26. One half of the cost is eligible for CDBG Grant funds the Village was awarded for the project. Construction work should begin shortly with substantial completion of November 30, 2018. It is anticipated it will too late in the season to pave the street, therefore will let the street surface settle and do the paving in spring 2019. Once this is finished the site will be ready for construction of the senior housing units in 2019.